Friday, October 29, 2010

Here it is. The first beautiful, cuddly, cozy cloth diaper for my little one from Oi. I still can't believe I really want to try this, but after many bouts of painful bums and now days of trying the best recommendations out there for the diaper rash that won't go away (with it only getting worse), I'm thinking outside my normal box. And I have to admit. I love how these diapers feel, fit, suck moisture so far, not to mention how they look. They come with a pocket inside that you put the insert(s) in, but I prefer the option of just tucking the microfiber insert inside. The diaper holds it in just fine and that way you go through a lot fewer outside diapers in a day. =) I know I'll be adding to my laundry, but anything that adds LESS to our already daily loads is good! And I have to admit, Serene absolutely loves these diapers! Yes, we can tell . . . this kid is not shy about making her opinions heard, lol!

1 comment:

Kimber said...

A couple of years ago, I made an herbal baby powder. One lady told me it worked wonders for her granddaughter. Maybe it could help Serene. It's one part cornstarch, one part arrowroot powder, and two parts powdered elder flowers. If you have an herb store that sells loose herbs, they may have those last two.