Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer 2012

So we're just going to skip a whole lot of life, especially the not-so-nice parts, ok? This summer has been an experience. I've loved finding free Kindle books, though now I'm learning to be picky about what I choose, now that I know there will always be good ones coming up later. =) And yes, this reading has been essential to surviving various camps, parties, and even regular days that happened the first month of the summer. Except for when my husband was competing in truck driving championships, of course!  I really should look at my old blogs, but even if it's mentioned there, I'll say it again!  I'm so looking forward to the Mall of America in Minneapolis and (I'll find something here) in Nashville while Steve competes in various national truck driving championships. Yay for free vacations!

July has been the final wind down of our summer. Weird, considering we still have a month or more of summer vacation, but my girls are leaving for four weeks this Sunday, and normally with the other kids' schedules, we don't get much more with them, either. =) And we'll ignore here how our plans for a REAL vacation and get together with my family actually out of state were totally RUN OVER in the last few weeks . . . But hey! With what was left of our lives, we watched a spectacular fireworks display in Logan on July 3 (and this coming from a girl who has experienced real fireworks in the Orient!), and a few days before. we had a picnic up the canyon. We were able to go on a family bike ride (my tail bone is still letting me know how displeased it is by the experience of real mountain biking (kind of) with an almost-three-year-old riding in front of me), let Jessie play in her soccer tournament after all (ONE good thing about our formerly mentioned being figuratively run over), and even spend a day at Bear Lake . . . where I absolutely loved the little bit of time I got to myself just floating on the waves out where I couldn't hear A THING from my beloved family. =)

Oh, and did I mention we got a kitten in May?  Perfect pet for our family, as it turns out. I can't believe how much of a cat person I am . . . after all, I've spent since fourth grade wanting my own dog, training and watching neighbors' dogs, memorizing dog breeds, training methods . . . well, you get the idea. But the best thing about owning a kitten? The super quick housebreaking time. Not to mention how the kids love it when she snuggles up to various people each night.

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