Sunday, March 30, 2008


Ever have a time when all you think about is one special person, even though you just saw the person the night before? Oh wait, me neither!

Life goes on as usual, which is good, I guess, considering all the ways life can stop. My sister was in the hospital for a couple weeks, which really makes me appreciate my health and pray that my sister will be cured of her problems someday -- preferably soon!! She bears it all so well, and I know that if I were in her shoes, I'd be whining something fierce. She's my hero in so many ways . . . what would we do without little sisters to straighten us out?

Ever notice how there is SUCH a difference between boys and girls? Sorry, ultra-feminists, there really is a difference, and it's not all an evil social system creating artificial divisions. My daughter went to a birthday party last week for two boys in her class. All well and good. I had to laugh, however, when she came home with sticky eyeballs, and eyeball ring, a trick snake in a can, etc. as party favors. And yes, she loves them! The difference here isn't that girls can't play with fake eyeballs, it's that Marina would never dream of having that kind of theme for her own birthday party! Her last few parties have had princess and pony themes that she chose all on her own. And today, the eyeballs are sitting on the shelf while the girls are playing fashion show with paper dolls. Different than boys? Yes, thank Heaven!


Micha said...

Truth be told, I'm a tad bit jealous of your sappy-ness. Ah, c'est la vie.

Yeah, girls are girls even when they love catching spiders and digging in the mud. I love this age where "girly" girls get into boy stuff with reckless abandon just to wash up and start doing their doll's hair. So fun! Although, I must admit that Aeryn just might pick the eyeball theme for a party.

jaci said...

Hey Monika! You have such a cute family! Happy day -- we are blogging friends, too!!